Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The USSA............

United Socialist States of America should be the new name for that plot of dirt stolen from the Indian Tribes!Funny isnt it how a country so hell bent on selling capitalism as the Grand Poo Baa of Democracies is now funding General Motors Holden with,,,,,,get ready for it,Yes THE PEOPLES MONEY !!!
Well what other choice do they have now that greed(that human quality we can all be rest assured will rear its ugly head) has conquered capitalism only a few short years after it knocked out Communism!
So where does that leave us,well it leaves us exactly where we should have been heading all this time......
(Socialism refers to any one of various economic theories of economic organization advocating state or cooperative ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equal opportunities/means for all individuals with a more egalitarian method of compensation based on the full product of the laborer.[1][2] Modern socialism originated in the late 19th-century intellectual and working class political movement that criticized the effects of industrialization and private ownership on society. Karl Marx posited that socialism would be achieved via class struggle and a proletarian revolution, and would be a transitional stage between capitalism and communism (a state involving the disappearance of class and therefore the state))
Now dont get all paranoid and delusional,wake up and smell the roses,this is only a transition BACK to our tribal ,Clan past,all for one ,one for all,its not so foreign ,in fact is is how we all lived for millions of years!


Just believe you are Absolute Perfection Personified, don't listen to anyone who tells you different, we are all complete, whole and magnificent, divine beyond material perception....LOVE IN THE TRUE MEANING OF THE WORD! Smile amidst the chaos around and you will pull everything into line with your perception in that moment....YOU ARE IN CHARGE SO GO FORTH AND SHAPE YOUR OWN FUTURE ,RIGHT HERE,RIGHT NOW! DO IT! The Awakening to "Experience" who we Truly are, when that "happens to you",(because you cant "do it") it ONLY happens thru Grace. You are left knowing that all you thought you knew was nothing in comparison to the new Inner reality! A reality more real than here, one that makes this Life the Dream....and after that, all you want to do is plant flowers, fields and fields of flowers...


We all marvel at the spectacular shows around us, but do you know that the "GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH" IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW WITHIN YOU??? 
Set aside some time everyday to be in a a quiet place and focus within and between the two eyebrows...look and soon, as you sit at that door, the key will turn, the door will fly open and you will be where reality that is what I KNOW FOR SURE....and it's just the start of understanding from the point of view of actual reality WHO WE TRULY ARE....